Futurama hentai story part 3: A Walk on the Super-naughty Side Chapter 1

E Observed the Display you’ll
know the rest. It was a Monday morning, and because of this, Fry got to
sleep in an Additional 2 hours. He cherished Monday mornings as if they were
the Lord himself. Anyway, Fry pulled up a Tabouret and slumped into it, Gawping blankly at his parents who were Gawping unusually back at him. Fry Started to feel uneasy. ‘Is there something wrong…?’ He asked uncertainly.
‘No, only your grades.’ Said his dad grumpily.
‘My grades are absolutely fine!’ Fry Wailed back, Leaping out of his
seat in confusion.
‘No they’re not darling. We just got your report in the mail
yesterday. You got an F in every subject except art.’ His mom said.
‘What did I get in art?’
‘You got a B which we are Highly proud of, but it doesn’t make up for
the other marks!’ She replied.
‘I don’t understand. I thought I was doing OK. I even Controlled to Blow up to some of them! I’m real Fine at that! It’s a sinch!’ And he pulled out
his Thickest puppy dog eyes and stuck a pencil behind his ear, as if Antsy to learn.
‘Philip, Blowing up is not how to get Fine marks! Working hard,
staying awake in class and Taking part is how to get Fine marks. Your
mother and I have thought Indeed Rigid about this, and we have Determined that
you should Abandon your job. You’re schoolwork is more Significant then a measly
$10 note and your mother and I can Observe that now. We want you to have a Fine future and that is that. The last thing we would want is you to be working
as a pizza delivery Man when you could be a to …to be continued!

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