Discover the long forgotten secrets and hidden paths in this high fantasy world, with thrilling battle scenes and interconnected maps that are full of destinations to explore, as well as an immersive story where every decision is crucial. It is your turn to play Hilda the young Northwind Legion warrior who sets off to save her father. The game is a brand new style of action RPGs featuring gameplay elements that are inspired by Soulslike games and a more dynamic combat system. This creates a modern, balanced experience for exploration and challenge.
Explore the magnificent city of Aphes built on classical Greek designs and unveil its true curse.
You can combine and alter your weapons in the field. Equip two different types of weapons at the same time and become unpredictable in combat.
It is possible to encounter over 60 enemies, 22 bosses and finish side quests.
You determine the destiny of Aphes. Every decision you make in Asterigos will impact in the course of the story.
More than 100 collectables are collected, and there are various side quests. You can also forge your own fate by playing the NewGame+ mode.
Aphes is a state-city that is filled with magic and wonder, that is influenced by classical Greek and early Rome design. The scenery surrounding Aphes are characterized by misty streets, deep sewers that are dark, as well as mysterious forests in the suburbs which are the home of sparkling crystals.
Choose from many weapon types, both melee and ranged and mix them up however you’d like. The system of talents allows players to customize the way you fight by picking two of six different weapons: sword and shield, dual blades, spears or staff and also magic bracelets. It is possible to equip a magic staff to eliminate opponents from afar or change to an enormous battle hammer for close combat.
Aphes might be a great place to escape with its stunning views but Aphes isn’t the place for faint of heart. Fight your way through various monsters, and take on 22 unique bosses – each one with their own distinct combat mechanics.
Every decision your make is crucial. Your adventure in Aphes will lead you to discover the truth behind Aphes’s terrible curse. Let you trace its story through conversation, papers and cinematics, and Hilda’s personal journal, which she will update by jotting down observations and sketches.
Asterigos’ world is full of secrets and stories. There are over 100 collectibles, do other quests, and then continue your journey using new game modes. New Game+ mode.
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