Futurama Hentai

Futurama Porn Story: Fry Tricks the Giant Brain Chapter 1

Futurama Porn Story: Fry Tricks the Giant Brain Chapter 1

[A/N: Um… About the last “non-story” upload….I have Irish-Hungarian heritage…and I’m a

Cancer. Okay, now to new business. All misspellings in this are intentional.]

Fry just escapeed from pride and pregiduice and clumb to the top of the bookcase. “How about a

little elektroshock therepy!” Fry said, breaking the chandilear. He swinged to the brain, but

missed, and crashed on another bookcase, making it fall on him. “Nooo!” Leela screamed. As Leela

cried over her dead lover, the brain started laughing. “Yes! I am the greetest! And now I am

going to leave earth for no good rasin!” said the gient brain, as he went thru the window, and

off into space, never to be seen again. The end.


I hope this makes up for it.